Joe Rogan speaking to Adam Carolla, about not having any specific expectations about what you're doing, but embarking on a journey with a general sense of where you're going

Adam: ...It's sort of like this, I probably got it a lot from building, 'cause building is a process that goes from shitty to good.  Which is to say, the first part of building is you know, permits and applications and you cutting checks to the City for nothing and inspectors, and plan inspection and all that kind of stuff.  And it's nothing, its just a bunch of money and a bunch of papers.  You have nothing.  And then you start demoing and digging stuff up, and you know digging footings and grade beams and blah blah blah and putting in rebar and waiting for concrete and all that, but still its nothing.  There's no shape to it, it's just a hole in the ground and you're literally dumping money into this hole in the ground.  But then at a certain point the cement dries and you strip away the forms, and you start to frame.  And when you start to frame, you get to actually see the shape of the structure start to unfold before your eyes, but it's still like it's wide open it doesn't keep the cold out or the heat in or anything but you can start to imagine about what it would be like to put down that hard wood flooring and to see all the cool top notch Viking stove's and Sub Zero's going into the kitchen and all that, well that's the part you look forward to but if you're closing your eyes and picturing your new Viking stove arriving, when you're forming your're gonna fuck up your slab. - Just focus on the form.  And know, that you'll get to the Viking one day, but for now you're just forming.    Heavy.

Joe: That is heavy.  That's heavy and correct.  I mean, that's being in the moment.  You sort of have an idea that it's eventually going to come together, but right now you're just framing it. 

Adam:  Yes.  If it doesn't, it doesn't but let me just form the best way i can form today.   

Episode #101 of The JRE podcast @ -1:04:26